You, A Reminder

Mountain lake with a line of boats.

Photo by Dejan Cabrilo

When you stop believing the lies
You tell yourself
You will see
How truly magnificent you are

You are a one of a kind, once-in-a-lifetime cosmic event
Protons, neutrons, electrons perfectly aligned in flesh and blood and bone
Your body a house for your spirit
Who chose to be here

Right now
In this moment
To have an experience

A mountain with a lake surrounded by trees.

Photo by Dejan Cabrilo

Life is not happening to you
It is not even happening for you
Although it may sometimes feel that way
Life is happening through you

Because of you
Whether you are conscious of it or not

You are a powerful creator
What you say and think forms the very fabric of your experience
Word by word
Thought by thought

You are no ordinary being
As though such a thing even existed
No, you are an elemental
Bright motes of light

You are the stuff of the cosmos
Housed in an earthen shell
Through which you can experience this plane of existence
And you do not need permission to be

Permission to shine
Permission to have the experience of your dreams
You are your own permission
The fact that you are here

Right now
Is all the permission you need

And though it may at times be challenging to see your dreams
Much less to reach for them
You must
It’s why you’re here

Silhouette of a person looking at the cosmos.

Photo by Greg Rakozy

Right now
And not in some other time or place

Whatever it is you dream of creating or doing while you are here
Do it
No one else can bring that thing to life
No one else can usher it into existence
And everything we create comes through our own bodies

It’s up to you
And you can do it

Do not fear the cliffs along the way
For you have been given the skies
And you already have wings
Perhaps you’ve just forgotten how to use them


You are magnificent
A brilliant creator
Truly, you are more powerful than you know

Here’s to remembering and owning your incredible power
And to creating the world you want to live in
One thought, one word, one action at a time
You can do it
Have fun


But Why


Welcome Winter