Doing What You Can

There’s a lot going on in the world these days. A lot. It seems everywhere we look there's news of some tragedy or another. Reports of natural disasters, famine, war, pandemics, endemics, animals nearing extinction, polar ice melting, violence, solar flares, ocean bound plastics, climate change… the list goes on… and on… and it can, at times, feel like everything is hopeless.

I’m here to tell you all is not hopeless and lost. And we are not powerless to affect change. You CAN make a difference.

I don’t mean to sound glib here in any way, shape, or form. I’ve been in that space of overwhelm and hopelessness, heart hurting and wondering how to help, what I can do. I’ve found myself questioning, how is this going to get any better? And, what the hell can I do about it? I’m just one person with a sandbag standing against a tsunami. The truth is, we are not alone. And we cannot affect change alone either.

I truly believe the rising tide can lift all the boats. I’m always asking how I, or something I am a part of, or creating, can be of service to the world. And I believe art can positively impact not only the beholder of the art, but a greater community. To that end, my band and I have performed many live shows as shelf-stable food drives, and/or where portions (or all) of the proceeds went to support local food banks in providing food to hungry people in our community.

Together, with listeners and fans, we’ve raised thousands of dollars and literal tons of food to help support people living without. And though I’m not currently doing live public performances, a portion of every music sale still goes toward this vital cause in partnership with the Central Texas Food Bank, Backpack Friends, and Feeding America, helping to provide food to hungry people in critical need.

But hunger isn’t the only basic human need that remains unmet for millions. Right now, over 771 million people in the world live without clean water. According to data from the WHO and UN, diseases from dirty water kill more people every year than all forms of violence, including war. And that’s messed up. Our bodies are, on average, 60% water. We cannot live without it, and in fact, after just a few days without water, our brains have shrunk and our organs have begun shutting down. Water is literally life. It’s been a cause close to my heart my entire life, and I’m thrilled to announce that I’m partnering with Charity Water and a portion of every book sale will go toward helping provide clean water to people currently living without access.

Water streams down triple tiered rock, falling into swift moving river in Antalya, Turkey

Okay, I know – the book isn’t out yet. There are still several steps between where it is now (in its current iteration and on submission to agents), and where it will be (in its final iteration and officially published and in shops, eReaders, and libraries for public consumption). But I couldn’t wait to share the awesome news!  I am thrilled that this book can be of service in the world not only in bringing joy and entertainment to its readers, but also changing lives for the better by helping to bring clean water to communities who currently live without access. I love this phrase attributed to Theodore Roosevelt that says, “Do the what you can, with what you have, where you are.” I’ve taken it to heart and am in constant inquiry about how to maximize impact and uplift even one person with whatever I’m doing. No matter your line of work, your hobbies and interests, we have within our power the ability to make a difference in the lives of others. Maybe it’s a neighbor or a loved one, maybe it’s a stranger you’ve never met. Whether it’s activism, mentorship, philanthropy, friendship, or something else, we all have the capacity to serve and support others, we have only to connect and create. Here’s to rising together.


Adventures in Querying


Draft Done!