Let It Flow

Image by Dylan Nolte

There’s a lot going on right now in the world. Like, a lot. It can be easy to fall into the trap of gripping tightly to what we think we know under the impression that we can somehow control the uncertain flow of things. The trap of doing and pressing and white knuckling it to some sort of perceived finish line. Of hustling like a mofo to make our dreams reality, or maybe just to make it to the weekend.

Land separated from water via a concrete barrier.

There’s a distinct kind of stuckness that often accompanies that way of being. The kind that comes in unexplainable waves and leaves us feeling faded and worn. The kind that has our inner critics in the spotlight and our inner creatives on the ropes. I think this is where part of the idea of the struggling artist comes from – and the struggle can be very real.

Thankfully, there is an antidote to the struggle and it’s one choice away. Choosing to be receptive, to being with what is. I know, easier said than done sometimes. It doesn’t necessarily mean we pause the doing or forget about our dreams and goals, it’s more about allowing space for what wants to come through along the way and being responsive to it.

Bill Murray once said, “I try to be available for life to happen to me.” It was in an interview that of course, he completely deadpanned. But, that response resonated with me. There is something magical in just being available, in saying yes to life without expectation of, or attachment to, what it will look like.

We’ve all heard the adage that luck is preparation meeting opportunity. But how often has opportunity come knocking and we’ve said we aren’t ready? Or how often have been so busy clutching and grasping and trying to control, that we don’t even see what’s actually possible? We’ve been taught to “be ready” and to “make it happen.” But what if, we don’t actually have to DO the happening? What if we were simply available to the flow of life in the midst of living it, allowing things to happen to and for us, and dancing in co-creation with what is?

Runner prepares for relay race.

Image by Braden Collum

Truly, we can get overly preoccupied with being “ready” and make ourselves crazy wondering if we’re “ready enough.” And yet, across all industries, many of the people who’ve “made it” give the same advice – “start before you’re ready.” Perhaps all we truly need for “readiness” is the element of being available that Bill Murray talked about. Saying yes when the invitation arrives, exploring the opportunity when it’s presented, acknowledging the synchronicities and following their trail. Being available for life, right now, from a place of receptivity and exploration rather than clutching and forcing.

There is so much beyond our control. In fact, the only thing we can truly control is our own mind, our thoughts. As Marcus Aurelius said, “You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.

Here’s to loosening our grip on what we think we know and making ourselves available to what wants to happen to, for, and through us. Here’s to saying yes to life.


That Thing You Do


Game On